WBBSE 10th Madhyamik Pariksha Results 2016, West Bengal Madhyamik Result 2016
West Bengal Board of Secondary Education Class 10th results 2016 has been announced. West Bengal Madhyamik Pariksha (Secondary Examination) 2016 both Regular and External was held in the month of February from 1st February, 2016 to 10th Feburary, 2016. The examination was held in only one paper on each day from 11:45 AM to 3 PM (First 15 minutes were given for reading the Question Papers only).
Students can check West Bengal 10 board result on the following website: http://wbresults.nic.in/ and http://results.banglarmukh.gov.in/
Madhyamik Pariksha or Class 10 board Exams in West Bengal was held by West Bengal Board of Secondary Education (WBBSE).
West Bengal Board of Secondary Education (WBBSE) was established in 1951 under an act of West Bengal Secondary Education in 1950. Under an act named West Bengal Board of Secondary Education Act 1963, the Board was renamed as West Bengal Board of Secondary Education in 1964. We wish all the students a very best of luck for West Bengal 10th Result 2016.